I’m an Australian, I’m probs fking with you, we can’t help it, I think. Probably something to do with all the hostile shit around us and adapting to it, or something. All meant in good spirits! If you think we’re laughing at you, think about the stupid shit we just did to get that laugh.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023

  • Eh, I think we have to agree to disagree on that point, friend. I’ve seen a lot of quotes closer to the turn of the last century warning about capitalism, it’s been going for quite a while. All through the industrial booms and a few wars were essentially fuelled by capitalist reasons. All that happened in India, British empire stuff, essentially capitalism. I could deep dive and find dates, but if you are interested, there’s just so much to read about it, I wouldn’t know where to start. You might find some fascinating (and troubling) stuff, once you start scratching the surface. I feel like I am only just scratching the surface. I’m looking for a good book to read on the subject so I have a more indepth understanding.

  • Famously, the blue guys in Australia, defund our public infrastructure, go ‘oh no, broken now, have to sell, only private peeps can run this / it will run better / for everyone’s best interests’ (simultaneously pats themselves on the back for bringing money in, even though that thing they broke, brought money in, until they broke it) also, spoiler, they sell the things to thier mates.

  • Please let me be clear that I abhor this dipshit, entirely. I was just pondering, you know. Even the worst people have motives, and I find trying to find sanity, in anything he does, a hard task. He must have had some end game. He must have noticed he’s tanking Twitter. Continuing on and doubling down, seems purposeful. And he would want a way to rise out of the ashes ego unscathed. So I was trying to devise his exit plan. He has to have something (stupid af as it may well be) that he stands up and says ‘I did this on purpose, it actually proves I’m a genius’ because that’s his go to response to everything. I suppose I’m trying to predict his patterns of stupid. But that’s probably not possible for someone with a working brain, and or any sense of logic.

  • Everything he does. It’s just so stupid, it has to be purposeful. Like how he rigged the market with doge coin and bit coin, just openly making statements he knew would effect the market. I bet he bought up before saying those. And now tanking Twitter, it’s already dead, we may as well stop calling it by his ridiculous moniker. But I bet he’s bought up whatever he’s replacing Twitter with. I wouldn’t even put it past him to be in cahoots with zuck, and the feud is pretend. It’s all just too obvious. It reeks of I can do whatever i want, I’m above reproach.

  • Nah man, they’re not made up stories, can confirm. Australian. They defund the healthcare till it breaks. That’s where we are right now. We had ‘conservatives’ (not what we call them, but it’ll do) destroying the place for the last 10 years odd. Thier M.O. is, defund public infrastructure till it doesn’t work, then go ‘oh we had to sell it, it was broken, the private sector will fix it’ and simultaneously go ‘look at how good at money we are, we brought alll this cashola in from nowhere in particular’ and then their mates buy up public information for pennies, who then price essential things out of our reach. It’s fun times! Some of the last targets they were hitting were unemployment payments, people who worked, while receiving benefits, people who are disabled, hospitals and schools. So our hospitals are nearly entirely broken. But it’s been a shit show for a while, I had gallbladder attacks, sending me to the emergency room, once a month or more for two years, I was supposedly on the top of the waiting list for surgery. That was just what the wait for anything like that was like, they wouldn’t operate sooner, unless I went into septic shock and was literally moments from dying. Their words.

  • This one time in high school…

    (I didn’t want to declare my gender, because ‘the site that shall not be named’ is an absolute dick to women, but I’m feeling like that might not be as much of a thing, here)

    … I came across a group of 5 or 6 huge 6ft footballers, in a circle, kicking this small indigenous kid around and taunting him, I’m half their size, a girl ,probably 12, and just about the shyest quietest kid in school, but when I saw that, the pure rage that welled up in me, has no equivalent on earth, my muscles all lock up and knot and I (somehow) came out with a deep booming growl of a voice, that made all a these blokes just freeze dead, I boom at them, “what the fuck do you all think you’re doing!!” , and in a slow angry tone I add “do you all feel like big men, a heap of you, beating up on one guy” . And I stood there, all rage, staring them down. The indigenous boy noticed they were all frozen and scattered along the ground and grabbed his bag and pelted.

    I realised this needed to end, and he had escaped, so I tried to throw out some finalising statement of ‘do you feel proud’ or’this better never happen again’ or something, I don’t really know, because by this stage, I’m gripped with ultimate terror of what I’ve done. These guys are twice my size, and happily beat up kids smaller than them. If they snap out of this and realise, I’m easy prey, I’m done for. I fake a hold on my rage, turn and (painfully) slowly walk away and proceed to lock myself in the girls toilet and cry for the rest of the day, expecting a mob of footballers to be out there, after snapping out of their trance, ready to dust me. But I made it home, unscathed. Those footballers gave me death stares, the rest of high school, but none of them ever spoke to me or gave me trouble, really. A taunt here and there, but always when surrounded by classmates. The indigenous boy came and found me and thanked me, later, I asked him if that had happened since and he said, yeah. But he still really appreciated me sticking up for him, that day.

    I didn’t really think about what I did that day, those words to those footballers just fell out of my head, they rose up from the depths of my soul, I didn’t really feel like I controlled it.

    But also, I know I’d do immoral shit, if I got superpowers, I’d go around and kill all the billionaires and dictators. I’d probably give them an ultimatum, give away your money or die.

    I feel like the boys just represents a more realistic subsection of humans, there would be a percentage that are narcissists and have powers, and a percentage that are highly moralistic, like in gen v. And I could see capitalism being the real bad guy, in real life, just like in the boys.