• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • That’s a twist pretty much everyone saw who is not Israel hater. Israel reported the very day the talks broke up that terms were changed, but Hamas announced day prior they are accepting the terms, making Israel look like they are the ones who didn’t accept.

    It was the same story about hospital being bombed. Everyone reported Israel bombing hospital and it took months of independent investigation to figure out what Israel initially said, which was that the stray rocket fell on parking lot and amount of victims wasn’t 500.

    This is what Hamas does, fight media war making Israel look bad at every opportunity. Yesterday we could see just how much they fact check things when they reported a joke from social media as a fact checked news story about how “MOSAD agent named Eli Copter was responsible for deaths of Iranian leaders”… Seriously (h)Eli Copter. We came up with better jokes when we were kids.

  • I’ll have to dig deeper as I don’t use RPi anymore or its clones. Like I said in my other comment, some hardware might work, other might not but I know for sure I gave up on original RPi because if I have to hunt one down for more than a year with constant promises in increased production, then it’s no longer a product and we simply have to move on to something else.

    Edit: Also many things that were stated in that video are simply not true but they are coming from not understanding Linux as a platform and by their own admission they are not a developer towards whom these boards are usually targeted. Understandable frustration, but I wonder if it’s really that difficult as claimed to make these work. Randomly flashing images from internet is rarely going to result in a successful boot if you don’t understand how things work.

  • Understandable, but considering I can get RPi software compatible board with 4 gigabit ethernet ports and fiber optics + expansion slot and is available whenever I want to purchase it, then in some cases it’s a no-brainer. Really depends on use case. Some hardware will work, other might not, it depends. Screens will work if they go through HDMI or S-Video. Hardware should work if it uses USB. GPIO pins are a different matter.

    Even if it doesn’t work for majority of cases, I’d be willing to play with it and try to make it work with board I can purchase than a board that’s never in stock. And to be honest I even hate Chinese sites like AliExpress but some options are better than none and some manufacturers from China are offering a lot of options.

  • Snarky comments and people joking about Ubisoft’s practices but in reality many if not most will simply accept that, spread their butt-cheeks and prepare for all the shoddy practices to be rammed up their ass. Once they get one foot in the door it’s just incremental steps from there, be it visual downgrades, selling experience boosters for games they made slower on purpose, day one DLCs, pre-orders, special editions, accounts for “offline” game, etc. Anything goes if they can squeeze another dollar from their customers. There’s a message stronger than words when Ubisoft is constantly voted most hated company and yet remains one of the biggest.

    Not sure what to tell you masochistic fans but Eves said spread the cheeks some more, there’s nothing else for you to do obviously. Bend over.