Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian | Depressed

Note: I only post memes I have saved, I don’t make them.

  • 60 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • Honestly? Yeah. From what I can tell with personal experience anyway. My brain will speedread things by looking for keywords in something and then putting them together in a way that makes sense. However when you’re doing this if you encounter something that’s unexpected, it can either cause the whole train to derail or the train to just run over that one thing and mangle it so you completely misunderstand what you read.

  • Thanks, I love and appreciate you homie.

    So ADHDers have a problem with object permanence. If we don’t see it then it doesn’t exist. This happens with people pretty regularly, unfortunately, where if we don’t see the person or see something that reminds us of them we can sort of “forget they exist”. It’s never in an offensive way, our brain just doesn’t work. Same with objects.

    A good example is that during the Christmas period I made myself a meal. During that meal I had to use the stovetop for a variety of different things. I started to run out of space so I took a hot pot and put it in the oven, saying that I’d clean it with everything else.

    That pot was sitting there from like the 28th until yesterday when the oven was turned on. I just forgot it existed. That also applies with things we own. Like I’ve bought snacks and put them in cupboards and then a day later think I have no snacks and get annoyed. Couple days later I open cupboard, suddenly remember, and hate myself. If I buy stuff I think is neat? Into a random box it goes to never be thought about again until I randomly open the box for something. So I take it out and put it down with other stuff to use. But it goes into a drawer and is immediately forgotten.

    Or theres the flipside where instead of forgetting the item you just forget where you put it. Instead of putting it where it should belong, the ADHD brain goes “I must do this in the most convenient way possible to move on to more fun things”. So you put it down just wherever is available and forget that information because it’s boring and stupid. Then 15 minutes later you’re having a panic attack trying to figure out what the fuck you did with it.

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldtoWorld News@lemmy.worldIsrael is starving Gaza
    6 months ago

    that’s because they kept launching suicide bombings when walls were not there

    And you’ve proven yourself to a bigot with your first point. You just put all Palestinians under one banner and insinuated that the entire group was bombing Israel. Complete lie. Nonetheless, rounding up an entire group of people and punishing them for the actions of a group within them is a literal war crime. It’s called Collective Punishment. You are wrong.

    false , israeli constitution treats them equally, unlike sharia

    Right. That’s why they’re forced into an open air prison, denied food, bombed repeatedly, denied rights and having their land taken away from them. Because they have to be treated equally. You are wrong.

    surely that will improve their situation

    Irrelevant. They have literally no recourse as everything else, including their basic freedom, has been taken away from them. You don’t get to oppress people for decades and then be upset when they strike back at you for treating them like lesser humans. Sorry. You’re wrong.

    there are no prisoners in genocide

    Definition: (noun) the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

    Note that the definition does not say kill everyone in that group of people or preclude prisoners. You are wrong.

    A single picture of prisoners posted as if that somehow means that because some prisoners were taken that no one could have possibly been killed. I mean nevermind the fact that the prisoners are effectively naked and left sitting in the street in a stress position. And the fact that chances are those prisoners are just civilians.

    “Israelis Question Army’s Rules of Engagement After Hostages Slain” Source

    “Israeli forces 'kill pregnant women in Gaza, run over bodies with bulldozers” Source

    “UN calls for probe as Israeli army accused of killing 11 unarmed Palestinians” Source

    And in continuing with tradition, you are wrong.

    stop consuming islamist propaganda

    Stop being an Israeli propagandist who is openly supporting the execution of children, hostages and unarmed civilians.

    You are not valid enough as a human being for me to continue talking to you. You wanna deny someone else being a human? Get treated the same way.

    I’d say goodbye but that is far more respect than you deserve.

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldtoWorld News@lemmy.worldIsrael is starving Gaza
    6 months ago
    1. Have been kept in an open air prison their entire lives
    2. Are told their lives are lesser than Israelis
    3. Respond with anger and violence towards oppressors who have been killing them, committing war crimes against them, and saying they do not deserve to exist
    4. Beg the west for help as they’re being genocided out of existence by the Israeli government who is repeatedly bombing children to death.
    5. Openly and repeatedly surrender but are executed by the Israeli Defense Force while having their hands above their heads and run over with a steam roller while pregnant, something that IDF also inflicts on its own citizens as IDF executed Israeli hostages who were waving white flags and pleading for help after being released.

    Israel is a terrorist state actively committing genocide and trying to out perform WW1 Canadians on the amount of war crimes.

    Fixed that for you.