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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • You just said that liberals are hardcore capitalists despite the fact that liberals are the ones pushing for a hybrid socialist democracy where key industries are socialized so that rampant corruption, which is an effect of the invisible hand, can be avoided. You go on to say that liberal means conservative.

    Phrases like ‘we are living in a post truth world’ are a self fulfilling prophecy for those who use that phrase… for the rest of us you just sound like a far-right provocateur.

    It appears you are either very confused or you are a dishonest interlocutor and are completely full of shit.

  • Ok hear me out…

    Trump wants to be a dictator, sure. He was a terrible president and it would be a disaster if he was reelected.

    Now that you know my position, listen to what he said at the NRA convention. He wasn’t saying ‘hey maybe I’ll serve 3 terms’… what he was saying was ‘if I get elected in 2024 then would that be two terms or three terms? Because we all know I was elected to a second term back in 2020 and so even though Biden is acting president, I am in my second term now, so a win in 2024 is a third term.’

    The man is an idiot and rambled incoherently throughout the NRA speech. He reiterated his usual batch of racist xenophobic statements and bragged about his uncle at MIT… he is a one trick pony and there is plenty to poke fun at.

    Would he tout the idea of a third term for himself? Sure! Is that what he did in this case, not precisely.

  • I disagree with her decision for a few reasons but I’ll defend her right to choose.

    There are always going to be people who don’t want to be here anymore for whatever reason, and so the government needs to provide a humane way of dealing with these situations.

    Like with abortion, access to controlled procedures with trained professionals reduces harm. Restricting access to safe procedures will cause more harm than it prevents.

    Definitely sad. Possibly the wrong choice for her, possibly the right choice, but it’s her choice to make despite how I might feel about it.

  • I hate all the fuss about CRT… it’s just history, and the concepts are pretty simple.

    If your great grandparents were slaves, practically or literally, then your grandparents were likely very poor. Those grandparents weren’t allowed to get a good education or a good job, which means your parents likely grew up in poverty. This means you are far less likely to have inherited any wealth, and thus the cycle of poverty, drugs, incarceration, etc. continues.

    It always gets me that full blown slavery in the US was not very long ago at all, and very little changed for black people during the 100 years between the end of the civil war and the beginning of the civil rights movement.

    Of course this is just one facet of CRT, but I just don’t understand why right wing white people are afraid of reality. The first step in addressing an issue is acknowledging the existence of the issue. Is it just white guilt or are they just racists?

  • Interest or not, you should never carry a balance on a credit card. You should also never have more than 10% utilization.

    Looks like you probably did three things which hurt your score… having a new account, carrying a balance, and possibly having more than 10% utilization.

    I know the whole credit score thing seems stupid, but if you know how their calculations work you can get a high score in just a few years of doing everything correctly.