• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I appreciate that. And this is a great example to whip out when those idiots say shit like that. Obviously moving isn’t an option for most people and for those whom it is, they likely have.

    What exactly they want isn’t important, just that it’s very much the opposite of how the state is being run. Admittedly some of the demands fall under crazy bullshit, but the central issue is agency. Politically speaking they have very little, and this is the one lever left to them to pull.

    Imagine you’re on a train of trolleys, and every time it comes to a point where a direction could be chosen, every car votes and consistently the ones at the back are out voted by the other cars. You can’t get off and buy another ticket. But you might be able to detach the cars.

    Furthermore, reorganization like this should be done far more frequently than it’s being done. Why shouldn’t we allow disparate peoples of similar opinions vote together and govern each other? Why are we locked in to the lines on a map, the last major change of which happened in 1867. Since then, the borders have remained relatively unchanged.

    Not only should they, a group of people I likely hold only one fundamental belief in common with, not be afforded some self governance?

  • I can really sympathize with these guys. I live in a blue dot in one of the reddest states in the country. I have been talking with my friends about doing this exact thing.

    Technically this is not secession. It’s partitioning. They want to partition themselves and join Idaho. Just like I’d love to partition my city away from the shit hole parasitic state it’s attached to.

    The state level representation just isn’t there for them. They’re so dramatically in the minority that they have no voice in state government at all. So changes are mandated to them, and they’re disillusioned. They love their home and they want the government to recognize them.

    Set aside the crazy bullshit they want. The grievance is legitimate, the government completely ignores their desires, they haven’t been able to get the government to acknowledge that, and so they retaliate by saying they don’t want to be a part of it anymore.

    To be clear, there is no resolution for people in this situation. They have no control over the state government, no ability to change it. The only choice is to leave, and faced with moving or a long shot at leaving or taking your home with you, you’d choose to take your home, every time.

  • One time, when I was very young, my mother had stopped at a gas station in my home town and there was a car at the only other pump. I couldn’t see what was going on but apparently a kid had his leg out of the door and the car pulled forward, and she apparently heard it pop. I think I was too young to have any context for what was going on but without even seeing what happened she went inside to call emergency services.

  • He was in OEM sales. No mention of management or VP experience, literally the only thing you know about this guy is that he’s old and white. You’ve told yourself an entire story about this guy that is entirely fictional and are presenting it as if it’s got some merit which is pretty ridiculous.

  • So, I was going to do that math but it’s 65 fucking countries and I’m bored but I ain’t got that much battery left on my phone.

    At one time Britain ruled over 1 out of every 5 people on the planet. If we carry that forward to today it’s roughly 1.6 billion people. Let’s call that the lower bound.

    If we take the average population of any given country, which is fair given that China wasn’t but India was one of them, and divide that by the number of countries and then multiply it by the number Britain used to rule, we get 2.6 billion.

    Let’s call that the upper bound.

    There are roughly 2.6 billion christians worldwide. But not all of them celebrate Christmas. In the US, 85%-95% do. Let’s just use that for the upper bound and say 2.2 to 2.5 billion people celebrate Christmas worldwide. Let’s say 50% is the lower bound, at 1.3 billion people.

    Which means that it’s possible, and not even unlikely that more people celebrate independence from Britain than celebrate Christmas.

  • I’m not op but I hated that fucking show.

    They use the 4 male leads to make fun of nerdy, generally neurodivergent coded people. One of the leads is an unrepentant asshole and the show seems to argue that he must be an asshole because he’s autistic, though they never explicitly state that.

    If you happen to be neurodivergent, and grew up being harassed for expressing some of the same traits represented by those characters, the show leaves an all too familiar, very bitter taste. All the while acknowledging that those characters grew up in exactly the same circumstances the show seeks to recreate for laughs.

    If you’re a neurodivergent person, the show is saying to you that “you have trouble fitting in in the society you live in, that we’ve created, and that’s funny to us.”