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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Apple products are basically jewelry, you choose Apple products largely to be seen with them

    that’s usually the take of someone who has never actually used them. I’m far from an Apple fanboy - I actually use all OS because I understood a while ago that each has its strengths.

    my main machine is a Mac and the reason for that is that it is very reliable. I feel like I can count on it to take somewhere and have it just work and not get stuck in a boot loop, or locked out in the login screen (things I faced with linux distros) or stuck in a surprise update screen with Windows.

    of course it’s a locked down system with little flexibility and could be expensive, but it pays off in reliability imo. when I want to do some more tricky shenanigans I have a machine with linux, and windows is for… well it’s only really worth to play games with for me hehe

    tldr I wish all jewellery was that useful

  • I agree with you. Google is a company and so will do as much as they can to provide as little and to profit as much as possible.

    if one wants to use their products, they have to play their game. by either paying (with money and or data, regardless if it’s overpriced) or “cheating” around that - as we do with literally everything else in the free market system, to many other monopolistic shady companies

    what’s interesting to see around here is this sense of self entitlement, as if Google owed them anything, and of naivety, as if a company would ever provide a service (which is very costly) for absolutely free. video streaming is not an essential service and didn’t exist until very recently

    it may come as a shock, but you don’t need to use any service such as YouTube to survive and you only do because you want to and find value in it (whether to learn new skills or watch people reacting to cats)

    the underlying problem here which all of you are actually mad about is the system where technology and knowledge belongs to giant hoarding dragons instead of the people who made it. that’s where we all should be focusing our energy on.

    in the meantime, we just keep cheating… and if the cheats fail, we move on to other things

  • great post

    I feel like a similar thing happens because of social media like Instagram. people constantly lose the opportunity to tell others all about the things they do because they already did that in batch. what could easily become dozens of small conversations with different people, where one could add their own flavour to the story and improve it, making it ever more interesting each time it is told, ends up not happening at all. silent scrolling and tapping instead

    on top of that, multimedia usually translates real moments badly - for the better or worse: that giant hill becomes tiny and boring or that perfect angle hides the ugly part of the scene and looks beautiful. not to mention the fact that they are taking away part of enjoying real moments for the sake of creating online content

    I, myself, don’t do this. but I often travel with people who do and I lost track of the times I meet someone afterwards and start talking about it, only to be stopped with a “oh I saw it all already”. and I really can’t blame anyone, since it’s a very easy trap to fall into and it’s even expected of you in some social circles