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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I haven’t used it outside of Windows Firefox and Android but it works great for me as well.

    For mobile specifically: Rarely do I have any issues, and when I do, I have a quick panel button for Bitwarden (top drag down menu) that lets me manually trigger it. I can’t think of any apps that it doesn’t work with. My one nit is that autofill credit card info doesn’t work often, but obv that’s a secondary use, and the info is still with me if I ever need it on the go. And adding new login info can be a little tedious on mobile – much easier to create it first, then autofill. Highly appreciate the 2FA feature too. The auto copy feature feels really seamless regardless of if I’m on my phone or not.

    I’d be curious what issues you seem to be running into with it.

  • I was in my early 20s when I started. Wanted the calming effects of nicotine, was into other similar interests, and was dating someone who also got into it. He was actually the second vaper I'd dated, so you could say it took me a while to be interested.

    I'd had a couple cigs before but I never considered myself a smoker and didn't take to it. Vaping became a huuuge hobby for me. Learning about different mods, building your own coils, DIY e-juice, etc. I was vaping all day, all the time, pretty much as soon as I woke up (at the lowest amount possible though). It was a nice flavor and chemical pick me up when I was on edge. Sort of like a physical distraction. I vaped for 5 or so years. The lasting effects I've noticed are that sometimes I miss it. That's it. It was pretty hard to quit, mostly because I didn't want to. I had a lot of resistance, because it became a passion for me. But nicotine regulations started to suck, and that same partner quit as well. I got really sick with a flu and didn't vape during it. Then, I didn't start again after I got better. I had dreams about it, and it took a bit for me to want to move on.

    The thing is, though, I don't feel any different now than when I was vaping constantly. It doesn't improve your life that much. It'd be great if it could be an occasional thing, like alcohol or dessert is, but it's hard to not do it all the time if you're doing it at all. And you get to an equilibrium where it just doesn't feel that strong. Hence the constant clouds.

    The most annoying part about it is that it becomes like a security blanket. You have to take it everywhere. Forget it for work? Guess you'll just be late today. Have to sit for a movie? Man it sucks not to vape inside. Flying for hours? What a nightmare, can't wait to land and go outside.

    It was annoying to not feel myself if I ever decided to leave my vape behind. And blowing clouds out of my car was great, but it sucked having to wipe down my car windshield all the time due to the glycerin condensation. Same with inside – no smoke on the walls, but the glycerine would hang around and I'd have to run an air purifier. I'd often worry about the vapor leaving slight residue all over my apartment, belongings, monitors, PC internals and such.

    Overall, it was great for a while as it was something I got really into, but it was also a lot of money and stress over something that didn't really benefit my life the way other hobbies still continue to do. Much better to be a free person unattached from adult security blankets. 😎

  • This is just one perspective, but people-pleasing is when you go overboard with being considerate of others – to the point that you lose yourself. So like the one friend who will say they like all the same things as you, say yes to everything, never disagree, etc. just because they desperately need you to like them. They don’t have boundaries, so even when someone hurts them, they’re like “it’s okay, I don’t mind!” They’re missing a bit of self-respect.

    There’s nothing wrong with being kind or considerate of others! It’s really important to have to form deeper relationships. The problem is when seeming ‘nice’ takes the place of your personality or being honest about your real self, because you value other’s validation more. People can sense that and it can put them off because they want to get to know the real person. People-pleasers can play the character that they think others want them to be, instead of putting in the work to like and value themselves and communicate their own needs and boundaries.

  • My guess is that it’s more social than biological. Women have a tendency to form closer, more emotionally available, and more plentiful relationships with others – I believe partially due to hormones/brain development and partially due to culture. They’ve done studies that show that having strong social relationships is important to lower stress and loneliness, which can lead to a longer life. I’m not sure if that’s all of it but it definitely couldn’t hurt to work on those things :)

  • Yes, the PC automatically assigns drive letters. The windows drive will get a C (but you don’t need to do anything). I’ll just add that after cloning, you might need to temporarily disconnect the 250gb. Sometimes your PC might get confused if you have two copies of windows attached (the 250gb and the 1tb). You can fix this later on by plugging in the 250gb externally and wiping it.

    But yeah, you don’t need to get hung up on drive letters, all that matters is that you have a hard drive with an OS like Windows for your computer to boot from. If you copy it over, and then start up your PC with the new copied drive attached, it should boot from it and that’ll become the new C drive.

  • No, it shouldn’t have the same the drive letter. It’s sort of similar to how your computer assigns a new drive letter to each USB drive you plug in. Drive letters aren’t permanent and are based on the order they’re plugged in (except C, which is usually your operating system).

    Cloning is extremely easy to do on your own by the way. You can use something like Macrium Reflect Free Edition. Then you just open the program, click on the drive you want to copy, then click on the drive where you want the data to go. Just like if you were uploading files to google drive or something. Cloning just copies all of the files, drivers, operating system, other data, etc. It doesn’t literally “clone” the drive (like the drive letter). Let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to help :)