• 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2020


  • James Cameron’s Titanic. It’s marketed as a romantic film, but the moment you start looking at other aspects of the movie, it just seems stupid. The antagonist is so cartoonishly evil, it’s a wonder they didn’t give him a mustache to twirl.

    And then there’s the ending. Oh dear lord, the ending. Spoiler warning and all that: at the end of the movie, The Titanic s(t)inks and the passengers try to get to safety. Rose finds a floating door or something to stay afloat and finds Jack swimming in the freezing ocean. Then Jack makes the most non-sensical decision in the entire movie: he sacrifices his own life for no good reason. The plot frames it as a necessary sacrifice, but it totally IS unnecessary, because there was enough room on the stupid door for two people. And then we flash forward to the present, where Rose is old, but still has that gem she wore throughout the movie… and then she tosses it into the ocean. WHY.

    Basically the plot boils down to: two young people have a fling on a boat and then the boat sinks. It absolutely did NOT deserve all those academy awards it got that year.

  • I’m not sure which distro would work with your laptop. I would suggest experimenting with live USB images. Maybe using something like Ventoy which enables you to try out multiple live images from one USB stick. But as far as applications go:

    • GIMP is native to Linux and should work fine. You might also want to give Krita and Inkscape a whirl. Also, massive props for ditching Adobe. I hate that company as much as it hates their customers.
    • Blender works on linux.
    • So does Davinci. Allegedly. Haven’t used it, but their website says Linux support is available.
    • I don’t code so, um, no idea. Sorry. Hopefully someone else will weigh in.
    • Good news, Linux has working file explorers!
    • No ads, at least for the most part. Ubuntu had Amazon’s search integrated into their search bar a while back, which caused quite a kerfuffle. Later, they added a toggle to turn this off, but this was years ago. Might want to check just in case.

  • For similar reasons to your own, I tried a few different Discord frontends a while back so I could chat with one of my friends who lives abroad. I never found a winner. They either wouldn’t connect or would be missing tons of features (for example: one of them only let you watch the chat, not participate in it). I also seem to remember reading somewhere that Discord is pretty aggressive when it comes to third party apps. It’s their app or nothing. You might have better luck than I did, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

    And as others have mentioned, if you’re looking for privacy, Discord ain’t it. Sorry I couldn’t give you a more helpful response.

  • Has anyone seen Behind the Curve? Most of these flat earth people seem to possess some level of critical thinking, just… not enough. That, or their pride or obstinacy get in the way. At the end of the documentary, a team of flat-earthers perform an actual, well thought out experiment. It’s… well, just watch.

    Best part? Immediately after this, they discard the results of the experiment saying the premise was faulty. Somehow.