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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • Moments like this are like dreams for me.

    I’ll start doing something. And it starts to actually get done. Then I’ll throw in another task and it’s getting done too. I’ll realize that I’m getting stuff done, and excitedly try to get more stuff done.

    But once I realize that I’m getting stuff done, I “wake up” and it all falls apart, and I’m left with 6 tasks at 75% completion.

  • The reason they say this, is because using inspect element is going to give you a cleaner result 100% of the time with way less effort.

    If you use an image editor, you have to worry about making sure all of the pixels line up properly, the right font is used, right font size is used, make sure that the margins are the same, if you make a small mistake you practically have to start all over…

    Right click > inspect element > find the text block you want to toy with > type what you want > done. And it looks exactly the same as if it were part of the website, every time.

    Different strokes, yes, but if I see someone cutting their food with a chainsaw I’ll at least make sure they know how a steak knife works.

  • If I’m understanding you correctly, when you say you do housing, you mean that you work on the construction side of things, either literally physically building homes or working with companies that do so.

    How does this directly relate to, say, regulation on how many vacant homes a rental company can own? Or regulation on zoning / type of housing able to be built in certain areas?

    “Housing not getting built” is not the only issue that needs to be addressed, and seeing as it’s the only issue you’ve given any insight on, it’s hard to believe that you, a single person in a country full of people trying to figure it out, “fully understand every aspect of why it’s expensive.” It doesn’t matter to the average homebuyer how much a house costs to build, if the company that paid to have it built is selling it for 3x that price, or they’re only renting, or they just want to let the house sit to drive supply lower.

    There are reasons that houses are expensive to build, and there’s reason that houses are expensive to buy. There’s obviously a lot of overlap but they are not the same lists. There is regulation that exists that can mitigate the latter without exacerbating the former. You are simply refusing to look at examples.

  • The difference is that I know exactly why all the thing that are listed is mere propaganda

    Think about this outside the context of this conversation. Do you understand how this is cyclical thinking? “I don’t have to look at the other side’s sources or perspective because I already know they’re wrong and I’m right.” This is the EXACT logic you used with your statement of, “can you convince an NPC of anything?” No, when they think like you, you absolutely cannot, because as you’ve just stated, you are not receptive to actual discussion, you think you know everything there is to know about both sides of the debate, and you’re not willing to engage in anything that you don’t already agree with.

    You are so blatantly displaying all of the one sided brainwashed traits you think you’re so far above, in the same comments you accuse others of being one sided in. God help us.

    Edit: also lol at the “if you just want to do what your side says then fine”. My guy showed examples of the regulations he’s talking about actually working and said, “here’s some sources of this working, we could do something similar”. Assumedly without reading anything, you blindly said it wouldn’t work and hur dur ur dumb lol. Which person is just doing what their side says again? Yeesh.

  • Yeah, I understand. It does make sense if you think about the demographic that usually uses iPhones vs Androids, I’d be willing to bet 80% of iPhones/iPods (do they even still make the iPod touch?) have only ever opened that app mistakenly haha.

    Not trying to start a flame war or anything, just most iPhone users I know would pretty much never need to use the file explorer.