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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • I need a documenter!

    I have a head full of stuff that hasn’t had time to be documented, and being a single point of knowledge isn’t job security, it’s a major risk.

    My code gets documented. But so much infrastructure is just held in my head as senior SysAdmin. Wherever possible I just have a ride-along “up-skilling” (works like a RAID mirror for my brain).

  • The list: (on mobile, did my best to fix formatting, I am not fixing line breaks)

    Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, -Prince Andrew

    James Michael Austrich

    Eva Andersson

    Juan and Maria Alessi, husband and wife working at Epstain’s home in Florida

    Janusz Banasiak

    Victoria Bean

    Rebecca Boylan

    Dana Burns

    Jean Luc Brunel

    Cate Blanchett

    Naomi Campbell

    Sharon Churcher

    Bill Clinton

    David Copperfield

    John Connelly

    Alan Dershowitz

    Dr Mona Devansean, -treated Virgina Roberts

    Dr Chris Donahue, treated Virgina Roberts

    Leonardo DiCaprio

    Cameron Diaz

    Glenn and Eva Dublin

    Ron Eppinger

    Daniel Estes

    Annie Farmer, accused Epstein of sexual assault

    Louis Freeh

    Alexandra Fekkai

    Fredrick Fekkai

    Jo Jo Fontanella

    Crstyal Figueroa

    Tony Figuerioa

    Eric Gany

    Meg Garvin

    Sheridan Gibson-Butte

    Ross Gow, Maxwell’s press agent

    Al Gore

    Fred Graff

    Robert Guiffre

    Philip Guderyon

    Alexandra Hall

    Dr Carol Hayek

    Dr John Harris, -treated Virgina Roberts

    Joanna Harrison

    Shannon Harrison

    Stephen Hawking

    Victoria Hazel

    Brittany Henderson

    Brett Jaffe

    Michael Jackson

    Forest Jones

    Sarah Kellen, Epstein’s former assistant

    Carol Kess

    Dr Karen Kutikoff

    Paul Lavery

    Dr Steven Olson

    Stephen Kaufmann

    Wendy Leigh

    Dr Judith Lightfoot

    Peter Listerman

    Tom Lyons

    Dr Darshanee Majaliyana,- treated Virgina Roberts

    Nadia Marcinkova

    Bob Meister

    Jamie Melanson

    Lynn Miller

    Marvin Minksy

    Donald Morrell

    David Mullen

    David Norr

    Joe Pagano

    May Paluga

    Stanley Pottinger

    Tom Pritzker

    Detective Joe Recarey, investigated reports of sexual abuse against children by Epstein

    Chief Michael Reiter, responsible for investigation of sexual abuse against children by Epstein

    Bill Richardson

    Rinaldo and Debra Rizzo

    Sky Roberts

    Kimblerley Roberts

    Lynn Roberts

    Virginia Roberts, now known as Virginia Roberts Giuffre, accused Prince Andrew of sexual assault

    Haley Robson

    Dave Rodgers, private jet pilot for Epstein

    Alfredo Rodriquez, butler at Epstein’s Florida home

    Scott Rothinson

    Forest Sawyer

    Dough Schoetlle

    Johanna Sjoberg, claims she was sexually abused while underage by Epstein. Also claimed Prince Andrew touched her breast.

    Kevin Spacey

    Cecilia Stein

    Marianne Strong

    Mark Tafoya

    Emmy Taylor, Maxwell’s ex-personal assistant

    Brent Tindall

    Kevin Thompson

    Ed Tuttle

    Donald Trump

    Les Wexner

    Cresenda Valdes

    Emma Vaghan

    Anthony Valladares

    Christina Venero, licensed massage therapist

    Maritza Vazquez

    Dr Wah Wah, treated Virgina Roberts

    Vicky Ward

    Jarred Weisfield

    Sharon White

    Courtney Wild

    Bruce Willis

    Daniel Wilson

    Mark Zeff

  • Dude you’re pretty condescending for a new author on an old topic.

    Yeah I read it and it’s very over worded.

    1024 was the closest binary approximation of 1000 so that became the standard measurement. Then drive manufacturers decided to start using decimal for capacity because it was a great way to make numbers look better.

    Then the IEC decided “enough of this confusion” and created binary naming standards (kibi gibi etc…) and enforced the standard decimal quantity values for standard names like kilo-.

    It’s not ground breaking news and your constant arguing with people in the thread paints you as quite immature. Especially when plenty of us remember the whole story BECAUSE WE LIVED IT AS IT PROFESSIONALS.

    We lacked a standard, a system was created. It was later changed to match global standard values.

    You portray it with emotive language making decisions out to be stupid, or malicious. A decision was made that was perfectly sensible at the time. It was then improved. Some people have trouble with change.

    Your writing and engagement styles scream of someone raised on clickbait news. Focus on facts, not emotion and sensationalism if you want to be taken seriously in tech writing.

    Focus on emotion and bullshit of you want to work for BuzzFeed.

    And if you just want an argument go use bloody twitter.

  • It’s a nack. See one, the others will likely be in a tent shaped layout. Some brains are just very good at visual pattern matching.

    I have an unbroken record for being the person that finds anything tiny and lost. In school the kids called me “night vision”.

    Lose a ball over the fence an 1am. 10 people looking. Can’t find it. Get me to look and I find it in 1 minute or less. Lost a diamond or earring backing in shag carpet? I’ll find it ao fast you won’t believe it.

    I’ve occasionally had to pretend it takes longer to find it, just so they don’t think I pranked them and took it.