• 4 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • you also have to consider the point of being “the only option”. I live in a major city and here there’s a central transit hub downtown, very large, trains and buses and subways coming in and out. The place has a decently sized food court, opens at 5am and that’s when the first batch of morning commuters start coming in. So naturally they want their coffee and breakfast. Out of ALL the food options there’s only ONE place that’s open. McDonald’s. So the line ups in the morning are long because it’s the ONLY place to get a coffee and a sandwich.

    At night the station closes at 230am. Most of the food places close around 10pm. The station is next door to a major sports/events arena. So every now and again you have people in the station late at night waiting for trains and buses to take them home after a sporting event or concert. What’s the only place that’s still open at that time of night? McDonald’s.

    for those two periods of time the place does well. during the day when other, cheaper, options are open next to them they don’t, it’s dead. there’s no lineups and the staff are twiddling their thumbs. But for those two periods in the day when they’re the only option in the area? they kill it.

  • it “depends” but the exception to what you stated has become extremely rare.

    Theres ONE burger king near me that for whatever reason lives in some kind of temporal loop thats prices are a few years behind everyone else. I can go there and get two breakfast sandwiches, an order of hashbrowns, and a large coffee for $11. and it’s fast. For dinner if I wanted I can get a large combo meal for $13.

    Compare that to the mcdonalds near me. say I wanted two breakfast sandwiches, two hashbrowns (the equivalant or slightly less than the BK large hashbrowns) and a large coffee i’m going to be spending $20+

    But other than this one magical BK every where else is the same. Fast Food is neither fast nor cheap anymore. what’s the point?

  • yeah that’s a bit more work I need to fix up that I got tired of working on. in the kitty.conf it’s color4 but while changing that to black does fix it at the bottom it makes the all the other text black. so I’m still going through all the colors to see how to just turn off those white backgrounds. lol there’s 255 color settings in the conf.

  • if you’re referring to the thing above CMUS it’s not a picture browser, it’s Yazi a file manager. It’s fast and I love it. I’m gradually teaching myelf to move away from gui’s so I can better learn terminal command lines.

    but with Yazi you can use it as a picture browser as not only does it show previews like in the image but you can also increase the size of the preview or fullscreen it. I also use osxiv if I want a picture to open on it’s own.

  • I started with Mint for like a week then switched to CachyOS and I just installed Nobara on a separate partion to play around with. I’d say they’re both fairly beginner friendly. I mean I’m a brand new linux user and setting up CachyOS and customizing it to how I like it was a breeze. and with Arch, again as a noob, it’s pretty straight forward using AUR. Honestly all I knew at the beginning was git clone and then makepkg -si or pacman. With Octopi it was even more brainless.

    I also tried Bazzite and I just didn’t like it at all. I like trying out distros on a live usb and Bazzite doesn’t povide that option (at least from what I could find) but once I got it setup I just didn’t like it. I prefer CachyOS, at least as far as gaming goes, over Bazzite.

    If anything I found using Arch/CachyOS more user friendly than Mint. I had massive issues with Mint and Nvidia stuff but with Cachy it just worked and worked better.

    Keep in mind like I said I’m a huge Linux noob, I’m only about a month into this but I really like Arch and the ease of finding things.

  • “We can’t boot into safe mode because our BitLocker keys are stored inside of a service that we can’t login to because our AD is down.”

    backup your backups. I mean, I don’t work the IT side and i’m a developer but…isn’t it common sense to like not 100% use something to store keys where you potentially can’t log into? For me if I have a key that I need to use to decrypt something, hell even to log into discord if my 2FAs fail, I store them on a USB drive. If i’m using something and it says “you’ll need a key for backups just in case” ok cool, key goes on the drive.

    Also Microsoft should be getting just as much flak as Crowdstrike is right now. Bitlocker is god awful and the fact you need decryption keys for many devices to simply boot into safe is stupid. I remember when I still used win11 and I fucked something up and I discovered for the first time I needed a bitlocker code to simply get into safemode or recovery mode. I had no idea and thought it was so stupid. just to get into safe? really?