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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • family currently has partial custody.

    Family does not have partial custody, the father does.

    The father has parental rights and if he decides that he wants to let A around the child there nothing that can be done legally unless judge orders otherwise or A is convicted of the accused crimes.

    Since there is an going custody dispute, allegations will carry less weight since mother has every incentive to lie.

    This is why police should have been involved from the moment accusations were brought up, not in the divorce proceeding. When was police involved?

    Criminal matters should be handled via criminal process. Litigating these allegations in divorce court does not benefit anyone and appears have it might be endangering the child.

    You coming out with a vague story from 20 years ago is not strong evidence in of itself.

  • You are falling for daddy’s trick biggest trick…

    Sure plebs have no political power but there are two things left: Personal direct action and organizing both as consumers and workers.

    While with things like food shelter medical, not much choice left. With other products, people can vote with money. People can limit how much data they let out.

    People can job hop, demand higher wage, this is mostly limited to older, higher paying folk but them doing this helps everyone.

    Finally, organize as consumers and labour.

    I see voting being pushed as solution, you can keep voting but don’t be naive haha

    Funnily enough people who push voting as the only solution will down vote direct action posts into oblivion. I am starting to assume the poltiics crowds are indeed either bad actors, ie bots or shills.

    Fascism is not holding [us] back… shit wages, healthcare and hi prices are tho