I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.

Account migration from @skulblaka@startrek.website after learning the admins of that instance are wankers.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I dream of an open source car. Something simple but reliable, say a legally-distinct 2004 Honda Accord, bog standard, no frills, no detail package options, just A Cheap Car with standardized parts and open source software. It’s the only car the company makes, you can buy one for 10k or build your own for 6k out of parts and a couple months worth of weekends, car nerds will fork the software for infinite tuning customization, and it doesn’t report your location back to headquarters. Parts are standardized across every car we’ve ever made so your local parts store will have them in stock. The new model year is the same car as last year, we just built some fresh ones for people to buy new.

    I have no way of making this dream a reality. But I dream of it nonetheless. American car culture has gone off the rails, and the number of people I see already driving around old 5-owner Hondas and Toyotas and Buicks tells me that there is definitely a market for a cheap basic car that runs.

  • Different child, I think. Vivian Wilson is Musk’s trans child who has disowned him. She’s 20 now. I don’t know what her birth name was but “X AE A-XII” was the one born in 2020 that was all over the news for having an absolutely insane name.

    Though most of the rest of his kids names aren’t much better. “Techno Mechanicus Musk” is in that list, as is “Exa Dark Sideræl Musk”. He has 11 children and counting, and their names have gotten increasingly more unhinged as time goes on. So for all I know Vivian did have some insane name that she abandoned.

    Anyway, she changed her last name and disowned her father when she came out as trans and he responded by posting all over Twitter that she had been, and I quote, “killed by the woke mind virus”. As in he literally told the world his child was dead, rather than publicly accept his daughter as the person she is.

  • Pedantic, but:

    The LD50 for THC is so hilariously high that you will physically lose the ability to move your body and consume more THC long, long before you reach a point of potential toxicity. From a technical standpoint there is no recorded event of a THC “overdose” ever occurring, like literally ever in human history, and boy have we been trying over the years. It’s easier to die from drinking too much water than consuming too much THC.

    Now clearly what you’re referring to is just having had too much, “greening out” as the kids say, where you can gain a lot of anxiety and lose a lot of bodily control. And yes, that sucks, a lot. Panic attack city right there. But that’s not an overdose in the proper, dangerous sense of the term.

    I only even bring this up because with cannabis being such a hot button political issue lately and being on the brink of federal legalization, accurate information about it is more important now than ever. And more often than not I usually see comments like this just replied to with “lol u can’t overdose on weed idiot” with no further context and that’s not helpful to anyone.

    You can definitely take too much and have a bad time, but if you manage to find a way to legitimately overdose on THC, Willie Nelson would like to know your location.

  • WinXP has had a long time on the shelf, it’s EOL so it’s not getting updated, and it’s still occasionally in use by businesses - when true, usually on critical infrastructure pieces that they can’t afford to take down to swap to a newer machine. People know this and so XP is a malware magnet. There are about a gorillion scripts loose in the wild that just find IP addresses at random - or not random - and hammer them with a bouquet of exploits, almost all of which will be easily fended off by a modern updated system, but several of which XP is probably vulnerable to.

    So, the second you have a functioning network driver and complete your handshake with the internet, chances are good that somebody will be trying to sneak a script up your ass to corrupt the system. I’ve never seen it happen during install but if you’re exceptionally unlucky I could see how it could be possible.