⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I watched this one as a bit of a joke really, kind of left going what the fuck? I usually like it when a movie leaves me feeling like that, but I don’t know it was a bit weird and silly. Would the world magically be better if it were only women running things? Unlikely, all humans are humans there are women on both sides of the political spectrum. Just like men you can’t say that women feel a certain way. I don’t know it was just a bit weird that’s all.

    I wanna be clear all of the weird, sexist and political responses aren’t something I support. At the end of the day though is was just an ad for a doll which apparently is responsible for the achievements and ambitions of women in the latter half of the 20th Century. I’m not a woman so I don’t really know

  • I’m not terribly concerned over the ethics of the defense contractor, what I took away from the article is that Eelco develops some competing products for nix which are proprietary and leads the nix project. Massive conflict of interest he refused to address. Furthermore, his behaviour in the community isn’t very good - you could argue “But that doesn’t matter, what matters is that he writes good code”, however you would miss the point. Such behaviour has the potential to alienate current and future contributors - what open source projects need to keep going.

  • Beyond All Reason was recently recommended to me in an ask Lemmy Thread. Can confirm it is a great game if you’re into real time strategy (Free and Open Source). Naev and Endless Sky - Single player 2D open world space exploration, trading with some interesting storylines (Both are also FOSS and inspired heavily by the Escape Velocity series of games), I have spent ma y hours playing these games. Mindustry is another fun one people are recommending, takes elements of Factory Building games and Real Time Strategy (FOSS).

    Venturing into the non-foss side of things, most games seem to work, check protondb before purchasing for Linux compatiblility. Steam is pretty good on Linux. I’ve found Terraria to be quite addictive which natively supports Linux. Starbound is also pretty good but I haven’t touched it for a few years because the storyline is rather a cliche and just not interesting at all to me (I did finish it).

    Another option for games is emulation.

    If your gaming laptop has an NVIDIA GPU as well as integrated (usually Intel) you may need to launch your games with certain environment variables incase they default to the integrated graphics. In my experience with hybrid graphics Wayland works quite well as the desktop will be run on the integrated graphics.

  • This is where I see atomic distros like Silverblue becoming the new way to get reliable systems, and up to date packages. Because the base system is standardised there can be a lot more QA as there is alot less entropy in the installed system. Plus free rollbacks if something goes wrong. You don’t get that by default on Debian.

    Distrobox can be used to install other programs (including GUI apps), I currently run Steam in a distrobox container on Silverblue and vscode with all of my development stuff in another one. And of course use flatpaks from FlatHub where I can, these are more stable than distro packages imo (when official) as the developers are developing for a single target with defined library versions. Not whatever ancient version Debian has or the latest which appeared on Arch very soon after release.

    I’ve tried Debian a couple of times but it’s just too out of date. I like new stuff and when developing stuff I need new stuff and it’s not good enough to just install the development/unsupported versions of Debian. It’s probably great for servers, but I think atomic distros will be taking over that space as well, eventually.