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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2024


  • “Murder” is an illegal killing. I don’t oppose murder; I oppose immoral killing. That’s different.

    If you simply claimed that you’re against pointless killing I wouldn’t consider that arbitrary, since I share your strong intuition that causing meaningless suffering is deeply wrong. That is, in fact, precisely why I find it confusing that you would violate this intuition.

    An arbitrary moral distinction would be like claiming that you are against ending innocent lives, unless they’re a different race, gender, species, nationality, or color than you, given that none of these factors have any moral relevance.

    What is the moral significance of a creature’s nationality or species? Moral philosophers consider this question fairly settled, so let me know if you have some novel insights.

  • You know what, I’ll help you out. Why not. We put down rabid dogs for two reasons. They pose a danger to everyone around them, and we can’t cure them. Psychopathy has these same relevant features. If you want to defeat this argument, your goal should be to attack the dog-human component of the analogy, not the disease component. Why? Well, because even if I granted that rabies and psychopathy do not share the relevant features of being incurable and dangerous, we would just be back to square one, when I point out that:

    1. We put down dogs that attack children. And since dogs and humans are both animals, we should put down humans who attack children, too.

    If you follow my advice and instead attack the human-dog comparison, you stand a better chance of defeating this analogy. Spoiler alert though, your efforts will fail. This is a really good analogy.

    To succeed you’ll need to abandon your focus on moral justification and turn instead to the practical matters of administering a government. Why? Well, because despite your own feelings on the matter the vast majority of people have a strong intuition that evildoers should be destroyed, and you’ll have a better chance convincing them to get rid of the death penalty by pointing out that killing dangerous psychopaths is impractical rather than immoral.

    You’re welcome. Don’t bother responding, because I blocked you.