Stop comparing programming languages
- Python is versatile
- JavaScript is powerful
- Ruby is elegant
- C is essential
- C++
- Java is robust
JavaScript is powerful
Old joke (yes, you can tell):
“JavaScript: You shoot yourself in the foot. If using Netscape, your arm falls off. If using Internet Explorer, your head explodes.”
- PHP is old
- CSS is
︎ ︎ ︎ not alig-
︎ ︎ ︎ ned
PHP is old
Same age as Ruby, Java and JavaScript, but younger than Python, C, and C++. 😛
I’m guessing they meant “old” as in “no one uses it anymore, it’s dead”
Meanwhile PHP quietly runs 80% of the internet by being used for WordPress.
Python is
NameError: name 'term_to_describe_python' is not defined
JavaScript is
[object Object]
Ruby is
TypeError: Int can't be coerced into String
C is
segmentation fault
Java is
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read the termToDescribeJava because is null at ThrowNullExcep.main( Exec.main(
- CSS j ust # sucks
- <HTML />
- Kotlin is
type inference failed. The value of the type parameter K should be mentioned in input types
- Go is
unused variable
- Rust is
Compiling term v0.1.0 (/home/james/projects/Term)
C++ is std::__cxx11::list<std::__shared_ptr<table, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)0>, std::allocator<std::__shared_ptr<table, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)0> > >::erase(std::_List_const_iterator<std::__shared_ptr<table, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)0> >) /usr/include/c++/12/bits/list.tcc:158
The only reason to use AI in programming is to simplify C++ error messages.
Rust is downloading 1546 dependencies
Crates aren’t exactly runtime dependencies, so i think that’s fine as long as the 1500+ dependencies actually help prevent reinventing the wheel 1500+ times
I’ll happily download 63928 depends so long as it continues to work. And it does, unlike python projects that also download 2352 depends but in the process brick every other python program on your system
If you’re not using a venv for python development, that’s kind of on you
Venv is the way
Good for you. Not all of us have terabytes of free space on our computers.
If you’re naming variables like that in Java you should definitely switch to C.
Stop comparing tools
- Hammer is heavy
- Wrench is elegant
- Saw is versatile
- Screwdriver
- Drill is exciting
such pointless
what about Holy C? is it only usable to people that are actually god choosen programmers?
It’s racist
Calling Terry racist is ableist. He was very much equal opportunity, applying the hard r to pale white CIA agents (imagined or otherwise).
You are right he was egalitarian in that.
I also have it on good authority that he had a black friend which gave him the N word pass.
nah, he bought the N word pass from SHV
Just accept it, all languages suck
“There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.”
That’s why Haskell is so loved. Nobody uses it.
I love how after a decade pandoc is still Haskell’s “killer app”. smh
I mean to be fair, that’s a pretty useful tool.
C++ is OVERWHELMINGLY SUPERIOR, if you ask any professional C++ developer.
I was a professional C++ developer for several years, and came to the conclusion that any professional C++ developers who don’t acknowledge its flaws have a form of Stockholm Syndrome.
This is true of every language. If you can’t think of things you don’t like about the language you’re working in (and/or its tooling) you just don’t know the language very well or are in denial.
Ehhh, I mean this more strongly. I’ve never met people more in denial about language design problems than C++ adherents. (Though admittedly I haven’t spent much time talking to Lisp fans about language design.)
It’s made worse by the fact C++11 made a lot of solutions for the deep problems in the language. As the C++ tradition dictates, the problems themselves are carefully preserved for backward compatibility, the solutions are like a whole different language.
And Lisp is small - the first Google result provides a Lisp interpreter in 117 lines of Python code.
C++11 also introduced new problems, such as the strange interaction between brace-initialization and initializer-lists (though that was partially fixed several years later), and the fairly arcane rules around move semantics with minimal compiler support (for example, it would be great if the standard required compilers to emit an error if a moved-from object were accessed).
I know Lisp is minimal, I’m just saying that I expect there are Lisp fans who won’t acknowledge (or would excuse) any shortcomings in the language, just as there are C++ fans who do the same for C++.
ITT: Rust programmers rewriting the joke in Rust.
There is another That you might say is a little rusty
This meme only works if you don’t include any example that is better than others in every regard.
I keep seeing people talk about Rust, and to be honest I never thought much about it because I’ve never had a reason to use it.
But when so many people in a programmer meme sub are saying “actually no joke Rust is amazing” that makes me pay attention.
So I looked into it and found this:
C++ catchin strays
C++ is all of those, provided you pick any 10% of it.
You’re not supposed to cast every spell in the evil grimoire.
Well, except “robust”, unless you have very strict code standards, review processes, and static analysis.
(And arguably it’s never elegant, though that’s almost purely a matter of taste.)
When the standard for “robust” is Java–
C is powerful. Javascript is a husky midwestern gal at a Chinese buffet.
There was an adjective for C++. It’s just the pointer was dropped.
C++ is… I got nothing.
C++ is inferior to Rust and should be used in no new projects unless it is absolutely necessary
Are those adjectives randomly chosen?
Yeah, JavaScript powerful? How?
good luck doing frontend development without it, but it can also do backend development
it can do everything