• someguy@lemmyland.com
    1 year ago

    If schools only focused on what students were motivated to learn, I’m not sure schools would really be accomplishing much. Not to say that schools shouldn’t foster motivation in students. Just that technology, especially social media, is very effective at distracting people.

    • fidodo@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      You can increase motivation to learn by making lessons more engaging even if it’s a subject they’re not personally interested in. But making lessons more interesting and engaging is not easy and we can’t expect all teachers to have the skills and resources to do the research and development needed to produce lesson plans that are really interesting. I think it could be improved by putting more money into developing interesting lesson plans centrally and distributing the materials to teachers to follow instead of just producing dry curriculums. Teachers need support.

      • AMuscelid@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        I have literally built a dungeons and dragons campaign to learn statistics, and had some students on their phones. I’m not a dancing bear, and having a dopamine panic-button makes it near impossible to engage with anything challenging (I struggle with it too and know it’s an anxiety crutch, but it’s super maladaptive).

        • fidodo@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          I fully support kicking kids off their phones in class, I don’t think any lesson no matter how engaging can compete with that. I’m not supposed to be on my phone during meetings, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to ban phones from class. I was just commenting that work can be done to make lessons more engaging when phones aren’t involved. There’s of course a limit to what you can do, and some subjects are just inherently harder to get kids into, like statistics. But seriously good on you for doing that. I’m sure that while it didn’t have perfect engagement, it was far better than just teaching it to the book.

          Just curious, is there a place you can share that lesson plan to other teachers? It’d be a shame for all that work you did to not get to be used in other classrooms as well.

    • ZWho63@lemmy.mlOP
      1 year ago

      That aren’t motivated and are bored as hell; the average motivation level for schools where I live is a 2.9… out of 10. If kids aren’t motivated and they have devices on them, what do you think they would do in class?

      • someguy@lemmyland.com
        1 year ago

        They would probably be more likely to stare at their phones instead of learning if they did.

        I do think that having students sit at desks for hours at a time is not an effective way of teaching. Giving students different ways of learning is beneficial and more likely to motivate them. But that usually is more work and more expensive to do.

        In an ideal world, every student would have an individualized, self paced learning program with a dedicated teacher. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for nearly any student.

        • Corroded@leminal.space
          1 year ago

          I would be interested to see how a self paced learning program with a dedicated teacher would end up if it was focused on embracing getting sidetracked. I know I’ve sat through history classes in the past and had semi-unrelated questions I wanted to research or ask about but didn’t want to waste people’s time. In situations like that I would prefer to have a computer to get a quick answer versus pondering it in the back of my head.

          There must be some truth to an idea that you don’t learn as much from an answer from a question you didn’t ask.

          • Jamie@jamie.moe
            1 year ago

            I had a history teacher in school that liked me even though I barely paid attention in class. I was bored in the class itself, but loved history and would spend the entire period just reading the textbook because I found it interesting. So even though I didn’t pay attention I would still ace assignments like nobody else in there.

            I was usually a couple chapters past the class at any given time.

      • parpol@programming.dev
        1 year ago

        That’s just how school has always been. Students don’t care because they take education for granted. It was the same 30 years ago, it is the same now. You’re not supposed to have fun. You’re supposed to learn so you can get a job that you enjoy.

        Banning phones in class is the bare minimum. It was not that long ago that they smacked your hands with sticks when you didn’t listen.

        • verbalbotanics@beehaw.org
          1 year ago

          You’re not supposed to have fun. You’re supposed to learn so you can get a job that you enjoy.

          Hi, elder leftist here. The whole education system is already set up to produce obedient workers. If you don’t believe me, ask yourself how much time is spent teaching kids to organise effectively, or advocate for issues they care about. Or even just build good communication with their classmates, like how to react to bullying.

          All that matters is to follow the authority, don’t question the rules, put the things in your head that they give you and nothing else.

          The reason kids are bored in school is because the current system doesn’t address the real problems they have, so why should they care about the system.

          • parpol@programming.dev
            1 year ago

            Their “real” problems are at most only real in that moment, and rarely end up mattering later, but even so, the responsibility falls on the students and their parents, not the school. School is here for you to learn the basics so that you can function as an adult. Your field of interest and its focus comes after that. More often than not, whether the student can pursue their interests depends on if the core education was sufficient or not.

            But also, learning how to organize, identifying and addressing bullying, communication and encouraging study of personal interest were top priorities in all schools I went to from elementary throughout highschool, but then again, I grew up in Sweden and cannot speak for other countries. Nevertheless, students (me included) always complained about school.

          • Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech
            1 year ago

            Take it from an old man, as you grow up friends drift apart. People change, you meet new people. You’ll always cherish those friendships you had back then, but you will never all be together in one place like you are now. People will have jobs, families, girlfriends, spouses, commitments. I love my best friend to death, we’ve been friends since jr high, but I see him once a year now.

            Take advantage of the time you have with them. Go to the gas station and get a soda that’s too big, walk around town aimlessly, do boring kid stuff. You’ll have all the time in the world to be online here later, late nights writing comments at 10pm, thinking fondly about doing stupid teenager stuff with your friends 20 years ago

            • Jamie@jamie.moe
              1 year ago

              Yup, I haven’t seen one of my friends in person in years because he’s in the army. Another one lives right here in town but has a whole family to take care of, but every single time he’s asked me to do anything with him has been a bad time, and I kinda feel bad about it. The rest of my friends have mostly either moved elsewhere or I’ve just not kept in touch.

              So yeah, even people that I kept in touch with for some time after I got out of school have basically not been in my life for some time now. I’ve got a few friends that I usually hang with online, but all my school mates have basically gone their separate ways.