• 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • I never got called a tankie, so idk about that.

    Then again, I rarely participate in political discussions that I don’t know about. I try to read as much as possible to get an idea, but I never go in dept, like read sources.

    I’m going to go to uni soon. I’ll try to spend more time into learning history properly.

  • Idk. I’m really bad at history and such cause I never pay attention. I used to take everything I saw on the internet at face value, so I decided to slow down on current news. Doesn’t help that I like programming and video games a lot, so I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about world events.

    I just like communities that are tolerant and won’t let people bully the lgbt or the disabled. It feels less tiring.

  • There is more to that due to my family’s religious cult like extremist nature, but fighting that is a direct path to homelessness.

    That’s what I’m mostly scared of. It’s not due to religion, but mostly my parents disagree with my doctor’s advice most of the time. I’m taking medication without them knowing, but if they ever found out, I’m legit screwed. I would be able to live on my own easily if it weren’t for my illness, but I try not to think about that.

    I can handle the pain part okay, but the psychology of weeks spent like a zombie without focus is unbearable. I can’t tell you how many times I was working on some hobby project that got shelved because of weeks spent in a zombie like state

    This also happens to me on a lesser scale. I couldn’t imagine weeks. Take care.