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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • They had a service I paid for. I paid for youtube without ads. Just that. And then they changed prices and made me pay for something that I did not need, YouTube Music. So I canceled.

    They had me as a subscriber, they just wanted more money and lost me.

    And I block ads. Not specifically for youtube, but for all sites and apps that I can. I use Blockada and most days the number of blocked tracking cookies goes over 1000. Laat 24 hours it is 3426 trackers blocked. Is it really necessary that I am being tracked that much?

    I don’t think so, and I am not even talking about malware, or crypto ming scripts that will be loaded as ads. Most ads are not checked properly so I have no idea what malicious bullshit I can get on my systems without even asking for it.

    If I find something that I use a lot and adds value, I will donate some money. For example, I support some creators on Patreon.

    And ads always do their best to be loud and intrusive. And if I have a guest at my house that is loud and intrusive, they don’t get invited back. The same with ads.

    Remember when ads were just a small rectangle on youtube? You clicked it away and that is it? That was the way. Serve ads in a normal, non intrusive way and I can handle them just fine.

  • Abuse chances the way you think. It can be fixed. I’ve seen it happen. But you will have to take action, abusers tend to never change.

    If you cannot do that, if you keep believing you can’t then you have given up. This is my last reply about this. I wish you the best and hope to hear from you in the future when you are in a better situation.

    On the other hand, I am just a stranger on the Internet, so I have no real info about your situation. But I’ve seen hopeless situations like yours before, and I’ve seen them get resolved. So I hope you find a way. Because there always is.

  • Well, it’s only going to get worse. Go to a shelter. There are resources to help with debt, sometimes government programs.

    If you stay you’re just digging the hole deeper. Every day you stay you are making it harder for yourself to leave. I know it is difficult.

    You’re in a very very shitty situation. But out of all the choices you have available to you, staying is worst one you could possibly pick.

    Do you have any friends or family that you can ask for help?

    In the end it is your choice to stay or go. But make sure it is an actual choice and not just submitting because you don’t see a way out.

    If you go to a shelter or the cops they might be able to at least explain to you what options you have. Perhaps there are numbers you could call for domestic abuse victims?

    It is very important that you take action or things will only get worse. And I cannot imagine you want to struggle the rest of your life while he keeps draining you of all your money.

  • My gf had been in sort of a similar situation. You need to get out. At all costs. Even if you have to leave the dogs.

    He will just do whatever he needs to do to keep you desperate and on his leash. So no matter what you do, he won’t met you save money, he won’t give you a chance to get away ever.

    The controlling behavior servers to keep you there at his disposal.

    He is not going to change. You will have too. So get of your ass and leave. It’s the only chance you have for a real life again. If you don’t, you basically submit and accept that this will be your life forever.

    I know that things may seem hopeless, but the situation you are in is affecting the way you think. You can get away, you can have a normal life but you have to decide that it is over and commit to getting away.

  • It’s actually a classic programmer move to start over again. I’ve read the book “Clean Code” and it talks about a little bit.

    Appereantly it would not be the first time that the new start turns into the same mess as the old codebase it’s supposed to replace. While starting over can be tempting, refactoring is in my opinion better.

    If you refactor a lot, you start thinking the same way about the new code you write. So any new code you write will probably be better and you’ll be cleaning up the old code too. If you know you have to clean up the mess anyways, better do it right the first time …

    However it is not hard to imagine that some programming languages simply get too old and the application has to be rewritten in a new language to ensure continuity. So I think that happens sometimes.

  • Things like that probably require some scripting. You can check if there are ready to go scripts that you can just copy, but most likely you’ll have to program something up yourself. Even if there are scripts to copy, without understanding what they actually do and how they will work with WordPress you will have a hard time using them.

    If you are not proficient in HTML yet, you are probably not ready for this. You’ll need to learn some scripting, insert those scripts on the pages and for that you need a deeper understanding of how everything works.

    Unfortunately this means there is no easy solution here, you’ll have to put in the work to search and learn how to do this or you decide you don’t need it after all.

  • Okay, that sucks. Might want to get in touch with as many companies as you can, explain the situation and see if you can work something out.

    If you can communicate that you’ll need more time, I think they would prefer that over not getting any money at all.

    When you are in deep shit like this, speak about it. Let everyone who you still own money know that you want to, but cannot pay right now and you want to work out an arrangement.

    Also check if the government has a program to assist with debt. Be proactive, people are more willing to work with someone that is taking action to change things up.

    The worst thing you can do is stop opening mail and just ignore it. It will only make the problems bigger. Get help, anywhere you can.

    Good luck.

    Edit: depending on your country and relationship with your employer, consider informing your employer too. Some employers are willing to work something out with you if you explain how it happened and how you want to get out of it.

  • It’s not just power either. Green energy is not good enough yet, but there are other problems.

    Whole industries are built on using whatever is left after certain oil processes. You might be using something right now, that has resources that in the end would not be there without oil mining.

    PVC floors use part of oil that is left over after kerosine is made for airplanes. So if we stop using fuel, we also have to figure out a replacement for that. And this is just one example. There could be thousands of things like this.

    Because we have the oil and the leftovers, we use it and have very efficient technology to create products that we need. So if we stop using fuel, we have solved one problem(and I don’t believe we will be able to do this for quite some time), but there will be consequences everywhere.

    Jobs will disappear, whole industries need to start over and find different ways of producing things with different, green resources. The very foundation that our society is built on will need to shift.

    I believe plastic is also an oil product. Can you imagine a world with no plastic? I know it is bad for the environment, but if you want to package food safely, or medicine, what is the alternative?

    It is going to take a tremendous amount of effort, innovation and money to get even close to stopping with oil, and even more to solve all the problems that will follow.

  • As far as I know, other distributions just don’t show these errors, but Ubuntu choose to show them.

    Most of them are just due too a BIOS implementation that is not entirely up to standards, from what I understand. It seems some manufacturers have chosen to make their system easier to use with Windows instead of strictly enforcing standards.

    I just ignore the errors. As long as everything works properly, I feel fine with that.