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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023


  • As can/do Facebook and every other social media platform. But I find it hard to take this idea that TikTok is an arm of the CCP seriously when I routinely discuss Ughyur Muslims and Tiananmen square with folks, and see depictions of Chairman Mao as Pooh Bear.

    The more shady shit is the shop and how every third video is an unlabeled ad. TikTok wants to make money first and foremost. I don’t think TikTok is some force for good in the world, but what they are doing is no different from what Meta and Google are doing.

  • I think the line is, TikTok pulls a video at random it thinks you’ll want to watch. This means that you may be exposed to basically anything a person felt like filming. This includes violent or pornographic content, which children should not be exposed to.

    Being a parent is telling your children no sometimes. Being a parent means that you should vet the media that your child is being exposed to, which is impossible on a platform like TikTok, and sometimes make the decision for them that they are not old enough to be exposed to certain material.

    It really feels like folks don’t want to be parents - they want to hand the iPad over to the screaming toddler so that they can be babysat by their own phone. I don’t understand why one would have children, if they weren’t interested in doing the work of parenting those kids.

  • Stand to pee devices exist and are pretty common. Some people have prosthetic set-ups. Some folks have even had bottom surgery and can stand. Not to hard to use a urinal, although I’ve never used a men’s bathroom that didn’t have a stall in it.

    The cruelty is that I am a man. I have about two inches of beard and a mat of chest hair that peeks through a t-shirt. I’m not out at work, I’m not out at restaurants, I’m not out really in any setting that doesn’t require me being nekkid. Requiring me to use the women’s bathroom because I don’t have a penis would require me to cause a massive scene - am I supposed to drop my pants to prove I’m in the “correct” restroom? My drivers license says male on it, do I need to carry around my birth certificate to use the bathroom?

    Your physics example is extremely poorly formed. I’ve taught physics for years and have no idea what you’re trying to convey.