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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • braxy29@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldTacos.
    2 months ago

    unfortunately, this is often true in big cities as well.

    things are a lot better in that regard than they used to be. dv is no longer by default regarded as a “private matter,” laws and resources have improved.

    on the flip side, dv can be hard to prove, especially to a busy cop or judge. and policing is also not a profession averse to abusers.

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  • i ran into this kind of garbage the other day looking for a Nicholas Jaar video when i couldn’t recall the name. like BoC, there’s tons and tons of tracks by Jaar, but results gave me one or two of his most popular tracks and a buuuuuunch of other stuff. i couldn’t even just keep scrolling, there were a dozen results and then the “related search” garbage.

    ugh, i’m so fed up with google, and at the same time not motivated enough to figure out workarounds. i have work and shit to do around my house.

    i guess, with me, they won.

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  • it’s not like you fix up the homeless people the one time and then you’re all set forever.

    mental illness is an ongoing issue for people dealing with bipolar/schizophrenia/recurrent depression, and new people are going to evidence mental illness on the regular. new people develop addictions. people lose jobs. people suddenly have major health problems or accidents. people are forced to escape violence.

    providing the things you mentioned along with case management and follow-up care where appropriate helps. i live in a major city with a municipal umbrella organization that’s considered one of the best (ie most effective) in the country. that doesn’t mean nobody is homeless here.

    what would come closest to fixing it long-term? addressing all the other systemic issues and shortcomings. universal medical care (which includes mental health care), ubi and housing, addressing violence (in families and communities) providing quality education, social justice.

    the systems we have now only meet the needs of some, and for most only to a limited degree. those with the most needs have the most difficulty accessing appropriate and sufficient support.

    in other words? i think capitalism is a big part of the problem. i don’t have any illusions that fixing any of this is easy.

  • nobody is paying my bills but me. i’m just getting tired of the argument i have been seeing around lemmy lately that wanting to stay in the city (where many of us have JOBS) is “entitled.” i think real estate and rental markets are fucking bonkers when they are pricing out most americans. i have a middle class professional job and i can barely afford it - what about those who work in the service industry who make even less? rent is even harder to cover, and small towns don’t have job markets that can accommodate many.

    guess what? people go where the jobs are. this isn’t about being “too good” to live somewhere, it’s about being in a catch-22 of choosing between employment/healthcare/family and rent.

    quit putting your words in my mouth (“too good,” where the fuck did i say that?) and try talking to actual people.