The last line of these is always what the poster wants to happen
everything else is skewed rationale to make you think it is a funny
it is, in reality, anti-intellectual propaganda
I think most of these have just become self-satire and clever attempts to come up with increasingly convoluted ethical choices.
It’s not anti-intellectualism, it’s anti-trolly-problem specifically.
My favorite version is:
A trolley is approaching a junction and you have the ability to leave the switch where it is, sending the trolley into an innocent person tied to the tracks, or pull the lever sending the trolley down the tracks to someone else that is now faced with the same trolley problem.
Philosphers really just go “imagine how fucked up it would be if…” and then take it incredibly seriously
Please learn how to draw basic sketches of railway switches. It’s not that hard.
Unlike the classic prisoners dilemma, this isn’t a nash equilibrium. When I know that the other person pulls their switch, I’d improve my outcome by not pulling mine. Compare to the prisoners dilemma, where not snitching when the other side snitches earns you five years in prison.
Yell to the other lever dude that I’m not pulling the lever but fuck those beige dudes, hope they can’t tell i’m lying, run and lay down with the beige dudes, and if I’m lucky they pull their lever too and we get maximum carnage. If lever dude suspects I’m lying and insane, and thus doesn’t pull their lever, at least I won’t have to answer my loved ones’ questions.
To quote something I made up and say all the time, “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose.”
nice. with such wisdom you should have been a captain or something.
Do nothing that way you don’t get to jail for murder. All the pressure goes to the other guy. Sue the railway company, guy who pulled the lever and the creator. Another is find a way not to reach to that point.
I feel like you’re not internalizing that this is a thought experiment.
This is the dumbest thought experiment I’ve ever seen.
Or so you think
I envy you then
Also, it’s too late to pull the lever, you’ll just provoke a crush.
They’ve already both chosen not to pull the lever at this point. Guess they didn’t want to make a wider picture.
This isn’t philosophy anymore, it’s just game theory
por qué no los dos
Not even. Game Theory is supposed to take a lot of stuff into account. Boiling it down to this is insulting and a way to paint situations like proxy wars as immoral.
holy prisoner dilemma!
it’s interdisciplinary.
According to transit and transport regulation, such scenario would be impossible
How much did I like that one guy really.
For some people, this is a problem. For others, this is a solution.
Yell “Jump!”
Jokes on you, No loved ones, so who cares if you pull the lever or not, go have a frothy instead.
The meaning behind the trolly problem has been entirely eroded at this point.
Theoretically, will a collision cause a breach of the radioactive material that’s in the box with my cat? Asking for a friend.
Yes and no.